Kad themes virtue – use revolution slider instead of embedded

//Kad themes virtue – use revolution slider instead of embedded

Kad themes virtue – use revolution slider instead of embedded

2016-08-17T11:39:01+01:00 17 sierpnia, 2016|Categories: CMS Joomla / Wordpress|

If you want to use great revolution slider instead of embedded ones, make those steps:

  1. install revolution slider, make new slider (for example name it 'main’ with alias 'main’)
  2. Set slider type in Virtue theme to  fullwidth template (do not turn off embedded slider)
  3. go to /wp-content/themes/virtue/templates/home  and edit one of the template – for example flex-slider-fullwidth.php
  4. Edit line 38 like this:

<div id="full_imageslider" class="kt-full-slider">
 <?php putRevSlider("main") ?>

The code <?php putRevSlider(„main”) ?> will work only if your slider alias will be 'main’. Customize the name for your own purpose.

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